The core underlying project is the most interesting component of a carbon credit. CWIC will evaluate and help promote your carbon credits by applying best research practices to project evaluation. The more robust the project behind the credit issuance in terms of additionality and carbon reduction, the greater the potential liauidity.
CWIC will help you establish the optimum categorisation for your credits. As evident from the Carbon Credits website, prices vary widely between credits. Pricing can be a function of category. Hence, CWIC willl ensure that you have the correct category for your project.
Carbon credits typically require validation, verification and in some cases independent accredation before being admitted to a registry or traded on an exchange CWIC is more than capable of advising potential carbon credit issuers about how to undertake this process.
A carbon credit is no different from any other traded asset. Its market valuation is a function of supply and demand. However, it is arguably essential that issuers have a clear handle on valuation before putting their credits onto an exchange or organizing a direct sale to an end-user. CWIC can help issuers establish the optimal value for their carbon credits